Insects Under The Skin? Ziploc And Matchbox Evidence In The Expert Forensic Stain Laboratory

The idea of insects living inside and on the (human) body literally drives people affected by the thought crazy. We receive samples containing alleged insect stain evidence on a regular basis which on examination mostly turn out to be non-animal fragments of skin, hair, fibers et cetera.

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Mind Your Decompositional Assumptions

Decompositional processes depend on temperature, humidity, and light, as well as on animals that can access the body. In low-level cases, suicides, or cases of self-neglect especially, these factors are not always taken into consideration because a full investigation may not have taken place.

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The hunt for Hitler's teeth

How one forensic biologist stumbled across the only remaining body parts of Adolf Hitler… in a floppy-disc case in Moscow.

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