Investigation into a turning point of German juridical proceedings. Here, we focus on the multiple psychiatric decisions on the mental state of a juvenile, pedophile, homosexual serial killer, and the influence of those decisions on the trial.
Read MoreMurder most putrid
Here is that rare thing, a good popular book on forensic entomology that is also an illuminating read on forensic science itself and on the art of being an expert witness.
Read MoreThe quantitative alteration of the DNA content in strangulation marks is an artefact
It is frequently difficult to prove the vitality in cases of fatal hanging. Statistical analysis demonstrated a significant correlation between elevated DNA content and reduced water content of strangulation marks.
Read MoreVariability of the mitochondrial loci nt00073 and nt16519 in populations of Germany, Syria, Cameroon, Japan, Vietnam and Peru—a study using the RFLP and Light Cycler™ technique
We examined the mitochondrial (mt) loci nt00073 and nt16519 which show a considerable variability among European populations. These polymorphisms are easily detectable by means of PCR-based RFLP analysis.
Read MoreY-chromosomal short tandem repeat haplotypes at the loci DYS393, DYS19, DYS392, and DYS385-I/II, DYS390, DYS389-I/II, and DYS391 in a Filipino population sample
Source: J Forensic Sci (2001) 46(5): 1250–3.
Miranda JJ, Benecke M, Hidding M, Schmitt C
The article as .pdf
Population: Male population sample (n = 106) from the Metro Manila area (largest urban center in the Philippines).
Keywords: forensic science, forensic DNA typing, short tandem repeat (STR), Y chromosome, genetic fingerprint, Philippines
Whole blood samples were obtained from 106 unrelated male individuals living in Metro Manila, Philippines, through the Department of Health, Manila. DNA was extracted by isopropanol fractionation-sodium iodide precipitation (4) and quantified by spectrophotometry. Nine Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (STR’s) were analyzed from a population sample of 106 unrelated males by means of a quadruplex PCR (DYS393, DYS19, DYS392, DYS385-I/II) and a triplex PCR (DYS390, DYS389-I/II, and DYS391).
Primers were Cy5-labeled, and based on sequences described by Kayser et al. (1). PCR products were separated on ReproGel™ High Resolution polyacrylamide gels, and laser-detected by an ALFexpress sequencer (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech). Allelic ladders, and nomenclature were standardized against allelic ladders from P. de Knijff (Leiden), L. Roewer (Berlin), J. Edelmann (Leipzig), and P. Schneider (Mainz).
Discrimination capacity for the nine-loci system was 83%. Gene diversity was calculated following Kayser et al. (3). Frequencies of the individual alleles are shown in Table 2. Haplotype data (88 distinct haplotypes, 75 of which were unique) are given in Table 1. Gene diversity values ranged between 0.37 for DYS91 and 0.94 for DYS385, which is similar to frequences reported elsewhere (2,3).
The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Rubigilda Paraguison and Edith Tria in the collection and preparation of the samples. Dr. Miranda was supported by a fellowship of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service), Federal Republic of Germany.
1. Kayser M, Caglia A, Corach D, Fretwell N, Gehrig C, Graziosi G, et al. Evaluation of the Y-chromosomal STRs: a multicenter study. Int J Legal Med 1997;110:125–33.
2. Pestoni C, Cal ML, Lareu MV, Rodriguez-Calvo, Carracedo A. Y chromosome STR haplotypes: genetic and sequencing data of the Galician population (NW Spain). Int J Legal Med 1998;112:15–21.
3. Rossi E, Rolf B, Schürenkamp M, Brinkmann B. Y-chromosome STR haplotypes in an Italian population sample. Int J Legal Med 1998;112: 78–81.
4. Wang L, Hirayasu K, Ishizawa M, Kobayashi Y. Purification of genomic DNA from human whole blood by isopropanol fractionation with concentrated NaI and SDS. Nucleic Acids Res 1994;22:1774 –5.
A homicide in the Ukraine
In an apartment, bone fragments were found in a fireplace. Furthermore, a varnished skull was found elsewhere in the same apartment.
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Having solved the last technical hurdles to extract DNA information from virtually any biological material, forensic biologists now have to ponder the ethical and social questions of using information from exonic DNA.
Read MoreAsian online Y-STR Haplotype Reference Database
For several years Y-chromosomal microsatellites (short tandem repeats, STRs) have been well established in forensic practice. In this context, the genetic characteristics of the Y chromosome (i.e. its paternal inheritance and lack of recombination) render STRs particularly powerful.
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Several cases are reported which show that a wide range of applications in medico-legal questions and hygiene together or apart from estimating the PMI can be answered by use of Forensic Entomology techniques including close observation of larval development.
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The hypervariable tetranucleotide STR polymorphism DXS10011 is a powerful marker for forensic purposes.
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Einmal einfach QUER - alles durchgefragt!
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To permit quick identification of arthropods, random amplified polymorphic DNA typing (RAPD) was used to support classical morphological and medico-legal analysis of maggots on a human corpse.
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We report a case of skin damages on a human corpse found in late spring in a suburban area of Cosenza (Region Calabria, Southern Italy) caused by activity of Tapinoma nigerrimum (Nylander) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
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High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was used to determine and quantify Parathion in insects collected from decomposing rabbits previously injected with 5mg/kg of weight of commercial Methyl Parathion. Its effect on the succession of medically and legally important insects was studied.
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Wounds of living persons are a potential target for the same flies that live, or feed early on corpses. This can lead to complications in estimation of PMI but also allows to determine additional information that might be valuable in a trial, or during the investigations.
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In an interdisciplinary investigation of the mummies of the Capuchin Monastery in Palermo we made entomological findings with regards to the comparatively poor state of preservation of the deceased, to provide enlightenment about the process of natural mummification, as little is known about how the bodies were handled after death until they were laid out in the basement.
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