Ewiges Leben

Kriminalbiologe Mark Benecke fragte sich, ob Unsterblichkeit ein erstrebenswertes Ziel der Evolution wäre.

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A routine rape case that became tricky (and educational)

After attending this presentation, attendees will understand why it is important to listen to the victim and relatives, who do not fully understand the objective DNA evidence, but who point in a relevant direction relating to procedural failures of police and crime labs.

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(GTG)5 allows the distinction between different isolates of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

We have not been able to distinguish different isolates from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans by morphological means. However, they differ on the molecular level and strains from several geographic regions can be identified with the help of "genetic fingerprints" using the oligonucleotide probe (GTG)5.

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Allele frequency distributions of the polymorphic STR loci HUMVWA, HUMFES, HUMF13A01 and the VNTR D1S80 in a Filipino population from Metro Manila

Allele frequency distributions at the short tandem repeat (STR) loci HUMVWA, HUMFES, HUMF13A01 and of the variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) locus D1S80 were determined in a Filipino population from Metro Manila (103 individuals) by use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE).

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Zweites Symposium für Odorologie im Diensthundewesen

Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Odorologie hatte unter der Leitung von Dr. Christine Schüler und Schirmherrschaft von Prof. Klaus Püschel zu einer umfangreichen, breit gefächerten und konzentriert durchgeführten Präsentation über den Wissensstand der Leistungen von Spürhunden geladen.

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Mad Heidi Movie 🫕

Das neue Werk 'Mad Heidi' führt das vermutlich von Claudia Rindler erfundene Genre (damals mit wild gewordenen Barbie-Puppen) in neue Höhen. Co-Produzent: Mark Benecke.

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Detection and quantification of Proporxur in the succession of insects of medico-legal importance

To detect and quantify the amount of Propoxur in insects of forensic importance and search for entomotoxicologic indicators, the HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) technique was used on individuals collected during the ecological succession associated with the corpses of rabbits.

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